Stop Leaving Money On The Table

You run a conscientious and highly compliant agency, so why are you leaving money on the table? We understand that agencies can bill only for the services for which thorough documentation exists, and when one small piece of the puzzle is missing, payment can be delayed or even unbillable, leaving your business in a difficult position.

Despite these challenges, agencies like yours can thrive with the right documentation and billing partner.

Keep On Top of Missing Service Notes
Become informed of missing notes automatically when they are spotted in the system. Immediately verify that all of the services your agency performs are being billed.

Improve Prior Authorization Budget Management
Complete awareness of expiring budgets and insight into over and under-budget utilization. No more money left on the table or uncompensated services from exhausted budgets.

We’re here to help

Request a demo with us today to learn how we can help you stop overlooking missing service notes, never miss another timely filing deadline, and receive all of the compensation you are entitled to.


Simplify Self-Direction


Get Audit Ready